Cooroy Pomona Uniting Church

Maple Street Kid’s Club

Maple Street Kid’s Club is a weekly children’s program run on Thursday night’s during school terms.

The night begins with dinner followed by a combination of games, craft, devotions and other activities.

Maple Street Kid’s Club is for all children in grades 4-6.

The cost is $3 per child per week, which includes dinner.

A fantastic opportunity for your children and their friends to try new things and meet new people in a safe and fun environment! 

All leader’s hold Blue Cards and have undergone thorough child safety training.

Maple Street Kid’s Club  is held in the hall at Cooroy Uniting Church, on Maple Street, Cooroy, opposite Eden Rehab Centre. Fill in the contact form on the Contact Us page for more information or call one of the church leadership team if you’d like to speak with someone directly about Maple Street Kid’s Club.

We look forward to welcoming your family to Maple Street Kid’s Club!